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Our partnership approach

Client Brand Awareness: 

We serve as Brand Evangelists for our clients.  We understand your culture and promote the right message.   LEARN MORE


Access to the Largest Talent Pool: 

With over three decades of building Trusted Relationships with Candidates, Clients and Referrals Sources, we have unique access to the largest, and most diverse talent pool. LEARN MORE


Evaluate & Validate:  

We have  a deep understand the Industries and Markets we serve allowing us to accurately evaluate the Skills, Training, Work Experience, and Education required to do the job.  Through understanding Culture and Leadership Styles, we also match the candidate's Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Work Habits and the type of Work Environment that he/she will thrive in. LEARN MORE


Recruit the Best Candidate:   

We are experts at the process of recruiting Top Candidates. We are objective, trusted advisors with relationships that span decades and entire careers. We are vested in both the Candidate’s and the Client’s Success. LEARN MORE


Retain the Right Employees:  

Retaining the Right Employees begins with hiring the Right Candidates.  Reward and Retain the Best, Upgrade the Rest. LEARN MORE

We don't just "post and hope" that a qualified candidate responds to Linked In or other job posting platforms. 

We execute a comprehensive, proven strategy to identify top-candidates based on their track record of performance and success and then work closely with our client to attract the best candidate for the job, the team and cultural fit.  

Top Candidates aren't out "looking for a job" and don't often respond to internal or external recruiters, but based on our experience and reputation, most are receptive to our call.

Client Brand Awareness

Your brand is the aspect of businesses that consumers and employees come to trust.


We get the word out.  Promote your story.  Foster your message.  We let the top candidates in the market know you are thriving and hiring.  

A Diverse Talent Pool

With over 30 years recruiting and building relationships with top professionals in Colorado, Arizona and Texas, it's not surprising that Clients have become Candidates and Candidates have become Clients.  


We are continuously adding to our proprietary database of over 50,000 Candidates through Direct Recruiting, Strategic Networking, Attending, Supporting and Sponsoring Industry Events.

Evaluate & Validate the Intangibles

It is broadly accepted that Attitude, Work Habits, Creativity, Self-Awareness, Call-reluctance, Motivational Factors, Drive, Accountability and Team-work are critical skills for success but they are often not validated. 


Several of these Interpersonal Characteristics can be validated through confidential reference checks.  Our network allows us to acquire these references, but we also partner with one of North America's largest Psychometric Interpersonal Assessment companies, the Self-Management Group. 


SMG Assessments are tailored to the position and the company culture in Assessing and Articulating these Characteristics, as well as Team and Management Style Dynamics, Additional Training Suggestions and Follow-up Interview Questions. 


The Top 10 Intangible Skills:  


Recruit the Best Candidate

Most Recruiting Processes are heavily weighted towards Interviewing and Evaluating.


However, the best candidates are rarely "looking to jump ship", but rather are open to confidentially learning about quality opportunities that could advance their career.  We help facilitate this initial meeting. 


A career advancement includes:


1. Learning new skills and gaining new experiences, and increased responsibilities.

2. An increase in overall compensation. 

3. An increase in strategic input and leadership.


The best candidates ask probing questions and promote themselves, but before they show genuine interest, they need to be recruited.  


1. How and when do you shift from interviewing and vetting to attracting and recruiting? 

2. Who does it and what authority is granted?

3. Will the hiring team leverage enthusiasm and timing (theirs) to land a great candidate?


Retain the Right Employees

Retaining Top Performers requires a Talent Acquisition and Retention Plan that aligns your Business Strategy with your High Potentials. 


Top Performers require continuous new, and bigger challenges and responsibilities. 


Retention begins with the first impression, which is often formed during the initial interview. 

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